I had the great pleasure to converse with Geneviève David, about my artistic approach and small details of my life, via this interview (in french) powered by CMAQ! Happy reading, Annie xx
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Participation in the Aire de Jeux festival at le LIVART
Until August 16th, le LIVART turns into a playground design discovery festival Aire de Jeux. Among several talented artists Amulette participate. Thank you Index Design to talk abouit it! Le LIVART: 3980 nSt-Denis street WHEN: Wednesday to Saturday, 10h to 17h until August 16th 2020. I’ll be there, if you tell me when you […]
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Interview with Julie Deslauriers
Despite the projects that follow each other and that are not alike, to participate in an interview, with Julie Deslauriers this time, is an activity I like to do. Taking a step back from my work, and immersing myself in the process remains an essential exercise for my research. This interview allowed me to take […]
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Amulette released in Faded Glamour by Pearl Low.
Amulette has been represented since 2019 by the inspiring Sera of London in the United Kingdom. I have the immense privilege of being part of her univers, photographed by Amy Neunsinger, for the recent book Faded Glamour directed by the talented multidisciplinary Pear Low, artist of the punk music scene, fashion design and decoration scene […]
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Next event Amulette X Gladstone Hotel in Toronto September 12th 2019
You are cordially invited on September 12 at 7 pm at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto, at the opening of the exhibition HARD TWIST 14: Entwined in which I participate. It will be my pleasure to meet you and other exhibitors during this launch evening! I will present a triptych / mural of fringes, of […]
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Amulette at Wanted Design NYC X METROPOLIS Magazine.
Thank you METROPOLIS magazine, for the beautiful mention! For the first time at Wanted Design NYC during the NYCDesign Week, Amulette is proud to be part of the height young practitioners who kept this 2019 design week fresh and alive with experimental works! Love it!
Continue ReadingI leave you to know a little more about me, through this interview with the San Diego Voyager Magazine. Thank you for sharing the work of entrepreneurial artists. I am so much touch to receive so much love!
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DesignTO Festival X Designlines Magazine.
Amulette participates for a second year in a row, at the Toronto Offsite Design Festival, from January 18th to 27th 2019. In collaboration with the popular Drake Hotel, I present an installation of my latest collection of giant lamps entitled RAW. This installation has earned a crush from Designlines Magazine! The Design Offsite Toronto Festival […]
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Amulette X RADO Star Prize Canada
A proud finalist selected for the 2019 RADO Star Prize contest, Amulette will be represented by RADO Switzerland at IDS Toronto from January 17 to 20, 2019. Take a few minutes, and vote AMULETTE! Annie xx
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Amulette by Annie Legault in Studio North at IDS18!
Save the dates! I proudly annonce my presence at IDS18 in Toronto, Studio North section. Here are a few words about the three new Canadian designers present at this edition of which I am a part, with my project Amulette. See you on January 18, 19, 20 and 21 2018.
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Opening of the new restaurant LOV downtown!
Amulette made a pretty installation, at the brand new LOV on de la Montagne! Interior design orcherstrated by Jacinthe Piotte, and the kitchen by Stéphanie Audet. Official opening Thursday June 29th. WE LOVE!!!
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Amulette at SIDIM, May 4, 5 and 6
For the fourth year, Amulette will be present at the Montreal International Interior Design Show, in the new section of Avenue de la Culture.
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Je serai à Osheaga les 29, 30 et 31 juillet! Amulette est fièrement partenaire de cette édition 2016, et avec grand grand plaisir!
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